React + Django Integration in a few simple steps

Brandon Lecky
3 min readFeb 22, 2021


Integrating React with Django is something I always wanted to do. I saw some tutorials which over-complicated things so I thought I’d make a simplified walk-through tutorial.

I will assume you already have an understanding of how both Django and React work. It’s important to know how Django serves templates and static files as well as what happens when you run npm run build in React.

The key difference is we’ll be telling Django to look for templates and static files inside our React app. Later you can use the Django REST framework to serve your model data.

Let’s get started!

We’ll start by opening a terminal and running django-admin startproject django_react_template and cd into our default Django application.

Default Django Project

Now we'll run npx create-react-app react_frontend to create our React app inside our Django project.

React app inside the Django project

We now have a fresh React app in the root of our Django directory.

After we create the React app we can cd into the React directory and run npm run build to compile our app.

You’ll notice we now have a build directory. This is where we’ll tell Django to look for templates and static files.

Inside, you’ll find a static directory and an index.html file.

Next we’ll go into our file in our Django project and show Django where we want it to look for templates.

First, import the os module in We’ll need it for the next step.

Add the code above to your This tells Django to look for templates in the build directory of our React app. There, it will find the index.html of our compiled app.

TemplateView will allow us to use our template without having to call a view.

We’re almost done! Let’s configure static files in our

Similar to the previous step, we’ll tell Django to look for static files (css, js etc.) in the build directory of our React app.

App running at

Hooray! We’ve just integrated Django with React!! When you are writing your React code just run npm run build and Django will serve our static files along with our updated index.html we pointed to in

We can now build out an API with the Django REST Framework and utilize React’s amazing… reactive-ness?

Part 2??



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